Saturday, August 29, 2009

Fast Forward on Life

{peas porridge hot; peas porridge cold; little baby ansley-bop 9 days old!}

So you've been in our lives now for just over a week and it's gone by so fast. I can understand why everybody we see tells us to enjoy it because you'll grow up quickly. I find myself taking tons of pictures and staring at you while you sleep or eat because I just don't want to miss anything. Speaking of pictures, we have your very first photo shoot tomorrow with an old friend of mine from high school who is a very talented photographer. I'm sure she'll capture you sleeping - as that is presently your fav activity, but maybe we'll get an awake shot or two.

You love to put your hands on your ears and up by your face when you lay on my lap it's the cutest thing. You really are just so incredibly beautiful. The biggest gift I've ever gotten. I love you little one.

[The results; courtesy of Lindsey Turner Photography]:
You are SO beautiful!!!  :)

And.. ok. Since I started this blog with a nursery rhyme of sorts, I think now may be a good time to mention that daddy and I have recently learned that we for real do not know the correct words to.. like.. ANY.. nursery rhymes or songs. While I like to substitute "doo do do doo do do doo doo doo," daddy is far more adventurous and will make up his own lyrics to finish them off. This is uniquely humorous when it's a well-known rhyme. My favorite has been "Three blind mice, see how they run, they all ran after the farmer's wife, she cut off their tails with a BUTCHER's knife, did you ever see such a HORRIBLE sight as three blind mice." 
Poor little mice never did anything to anybody. Plus they were blind. Why is that so horrible daddy? Why are you hating on those handicapable little meeces? What did they ever do to you? Wow, that went too far...

The other day, daddy was singing along with the radio and "blinded by the light" happened to be playing. It was stuck in his head for a while, so he would bust it out at random intervals to serenade you pretty much all week. However, as I listened a bit more closely to his trilling, I realized he was singing to you "bliinded by the liiight; wrapped up like a douche... another rumor in the night." 

Ummm, no. Those are not the correct words to that verse. In fact, douche is not a good word at all, baby. Please do not use it in a sentence. Mommy was pretty sure that the band did not intend for it to even sound like that. But to make matters worse, when I confronted your father about his inappropriate lyrics, he insisted that they were correct and continued singing them to you the remainder of the week.

(After which, with the help of google, I shed some light on the correct adaptation of the song).

Who writes the line "revved up like a deuce" in a song though, really? 

[Just kidding. Really don't utter that word, despite mommy & daddy's excessive usage...please?]

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