Monday, March 30, 2009

Not It!

The whole gender-discovery thing is huge. It launches you into a totally new way of thinking about your baby (are there gonna be soccer games and baseball or dance recitals and cheerleading?! Barbies or G.I. Joe?! Will Jon need to sit out with a shotgun waiting for our daughter's first date, or do we worry about our son starting a fightclub?). So...

It'S a GiRl!!!

Naturally, finding out that she's a MiniMac has already started me thinking about how I'll do her hair when it's long enough and what princess outfits might be in her costume chest...  ;) 

Baby girl S, Years 2 and 20??? Yikes.

She was not terribly cooperative during our ultrasound today (I did decide to refrain from scolding the baby while still in womb, though, so alas - there was nothing we could do), but we managed to get some interesting shots of her spread eagle and giving us the thumbs-up (thankfully, not at the same time). I was so excited to see her moving and hear her little heart beating, it barely registered when the doctor said "girl." Jon and my mom were less composed. When I glanced over, they both had tears streaming down their faces. Oops was that the appropriate response? Maybe it's cause I've had her growing inside me for almost 5 months now, or maybe it's because I was so prepared to hear girl anyway, but I just sat there intently watching the movement. Couldn't even muster up a tear! Though I may have just had enough hormonal crying at this point.

Things appear "normal" otherwise. Arms are formed and in the right place; legs are there and kicking; eyes, ears, nose, mouth - check. And for that I am thankful and excited. I do kind of feel like I can relax a little bit more. As soon as we were out of the office, I started the phone tree. My brother's response: "well... guess you're gonna have to start saving up for a wedding now." Can you tell he wanted a nephew? Jon's mom was very excited to have a granddaughter after just having had a grandson, and I think my mom was happy for a girl, too. In an attempt to be fair, I texted all the friends at the same time. But if you've been following all along, you know Heidi's psychic abilities predicted a girl from the start, so there were no big surprises. So... time for the itty bitty baby outfits!

Aaand.... pink sucks. Ok I'm being negative and stupid, but holy crap I am suddenly surrounded by the color and I might throw up on it, except that throw-up also tends to be pink. And it's not that I don't want a girl! - I have just discovered that I am seriously, majorly, decidedly averse to massive amounts of pink. Please don't take this as "do not get our baby any more pink!" I'm sure I'll be appreciating it when we're 2 months out and she's dressed in the one non-pink item we possess and somebody complements me on what a cute little boy she is. I know there's a reason for this. I am just on pink overload at the moment. So please forgive me if I give my eyeballs a break by hiding the pinkness away in drawers and closets for a little while longer. I'll get used to it, I promise.

On the other hand, the plethora of outfits we've already received are awesome. They are sooooooo cute (various shades of salmon notwithstanding). And they make me even more excited to be having a baby, because obviously everyone else is excited, too.  :)   Even Bronson got in on the action (and he did so good getting bigger sizes). My fav onesie so far is from Jenna:

Yeah. That's wassup.

Some of our first "girl" gifts:

(Anyone sensing a theme, here?)...

Oh wait, these are different:


It's funny how much stuff you accumulate just in the few days after you find out. Teddy bears and rattles are coming in from all over the place. Hand-me-downs are readily available. One of Jon's clients even got us the book Babywise. I mean those are people I don't even know! It's insane how a baby can bring such universal joyfulness. I feel like I should be jealous, except that it's such an amazing outpouring of generosity, I am wholly appreciative. My first unsolicited piece of advice to new mothers: purchase thank-you cards. Early.

Other things of note: I am Rh negative (Jon's blood is positive, mine's negative; if the baby's is positive and mixes with mine at any point, I could make scary antibodies that attack the baby blood). WTH. Apparently, this isn't so much a concern in a first pregnancy, but can become a problem with subsequent ones if I make any of those antibodies. They try not to make a big deal of it and basically tell me that what it means is a shot for me before and during delivery to counteract any issues. I hate shots, but this is clearly a necessary action, and it still worries me. I think I may have finally gotten used to the constant state of panic at this point, though, and have accepted that I will henceforth be endlessly worried about this poor child.

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