Saturday, March 28, 2009

The Growing Baby Bump

Weird scenario 1: Hanging out at a bar/restaurant on St. Patty's day and watching people around me watch my friends "touch the bump." This is funny to me. And probably to them, too, because at this point it just looks like I've got a bit of a beer belly (ironic, since I don't even like beer and am currently avoiding alcohol). I imagine their thoughts to be "why are those girls rubbing her bloated stomach?" and "girl, you cannot pull off that tight little babydoll tee anymore." Apparently some of the bystanders are gay men in my mind.

Weird scenario 2: Taking pictures of the bump. How the crap am I supposed to be standing? Should I smile (I mean aren't you really just taking photos of the baby anyway)? I have this growth protruding from my abdomen, and I realize it's an anomaly that was previously absent from my frame, but I just feel silly standing there sideways waiting for the flash. Heidi, I think a posing lesson may be in order, stat.

Weird scenario 3: Bending over. It's not like I'm big. I mean I can still see my toes and some of my shirts barely reveal the belly, but I'm finding it quite difficult (ALREADY?!?) to bend over my stomach to pick something up or tie my shoes. Am noticing decreased mobility in other areas, too. It takes me just a little longer to get up than it used to, I can't twist around or make sudden abdomen movements, and this is not ok. I'm freaking out about it! Being trapped in your own body is completely surreal. And don't think I don't realize that the limitations will only get worse (woah yikes)...

(2 weeks ago - 16 weeks)

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