Monday, January 18, 2010

Can you hear me down there?

{MLK day}
daddy had off today, and when the crud seemingly wasn't disappearing on its own, he called the pediatrician helpline to see if there was something more we could do. she told him to take your temperature and see if you had a fever. keep in mind, though ear thermometers are supposed to function with minimal effort, daddys don't always know how to work them. so when yours couldn't get it to register and the lady suggested "taking the rectal temperature," he just removed it from your ear and shoved it in the bum (so sorry about that honey). and when that didn't work, he realized that one of the protective caps was on and felt the need to reattempt the measurement sans cap. you poor thing. needless to say, we won't be using that thermometer again. nor will daddy be taking your temperature...

and speaking of ears, i cannot apologize enough if you develop a complex about your right one. for one reason or another, it simply will not stay back. when we hold you, put you in your carseat or lean you up against anything, your right ear folds over and refuses to straighten out! mommy will continue to manually pin it whenever i take note of this occurrence but fear that at this point, it may simply be too late. short hair could be an impossibility for you, my dear. i'm just sayin.

(protruding right ear can be observed here. it's ok though 'cause you'll get hair...someday)

(and you're so cute it won't matter! love the hands on the knees in this one, btw)

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