Tuesday, January 26, 2010

You Like To Move It, Move It...

{5 months & some change}
You now do a reverse army or upside-down crawl when lying on your back where you pull your legs in and then shoot upward like an inchworm. Aaah the beginning of mobility. Help. You are also a teeter-sitter in that you can basically sit up all by yourself, but after a little while you lose your balance and topple sideways in a very cute manner (we try to catch you when you threaten to fall forward onto your sweet face). Your ninja kicks are getting very fast now, and you enjoy doing a little tap dance for our entertainment when standing. You ambushed daddy when he tried to kiss you the other day and laid a roundhouse square on his nose (that's my girl!). 

Your fav game in recent days is "light as a feather, stiff as a board." Well, not so much the light as a feather part. But you seem to find it necessary to suddenly straighten and stiffen your little self when held at a certain angle. Much to daddy's elation, bouncing is now fun for you and elicits a gummy grin that he can't summon enough. He practices the (low) throw and catch maneuver with great success. You really look like you're processing everything now. Of course, you've always had that look about you, but the wheels are turning faster these days. I can see it. Daddy is not ready for you to start with the "mama, dada" yet since that will apparently signal you've reached adulthood (or, at the very least, that you're no longer a baby).

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