Monday, January 11, 2010

Your Happy Place(s)

{21 weeks}
things that make you happy: 
• letting Hanna lick your hands and trying to feel her teeth (thank you Lord that she turned out to be such a good dog and just lets you - even when you grabbed onto her lip and pulled during one particular play-session and mommy had a heart palpitation that she was going to respond negatively. give that dog a treat!).

(no, you don't have pink jaundice; we just need a different camera. sorry baby)

• lying on your back and chewing on your feet (preferably whilst naked - you also babble like a crazywoman when you do this).

• taking baths. though you've become even more active in recent weeks and splash water like an overgrown orca calf, bathtime is also one of my favorite times with you. your current inclination is to grab the washcloth and feverishly suck the liquid from its grasp. since this seemingly cannot be prevented, i try to let you do so before things get too soapy.  ;)

• putting everything in your mouth. 

• getting to sleep. you are most fussy when tired and unable to fall asleep. when this happens, you must be aided by one of your soft blankie-bears or blankie-bunny, which you grasp tightly and flail around in a stirring motion. when the stirring radius tightens and covers your face, i know you're almost down. you also like being wrapped up and rocked (but really, who doesn't? i bet i'd sleep well too if someone put me down that way!)

• not toys [yet]. you are amused by pretty much everything but the toys that were lovingly purchased for you for christmas. i'm sure you'll get there, but i was just so thrilled to realize that 6 months seems to be the start of the "real toys" and you're getting close!! [sidenote: it was upon this realization that mommy in fact went a little crazy at Target and bought up a few 6mo+ toys, thinking that with your advanced development, you'll be playing with them any time now! isn't it interesting how when you go into Target as a parent, you no longer come out with shirt or pair of shoes, but rush straight to the kids section and end up with nothing for yourself?]  ;)

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