Wednesday, April 15, 2009

The mini-cherry on top of the regular cherry on top of the sundae of awesomeness that is my life

{21 weeks "in the family way"}

I don't hate being pregnant. It's really not unpleasant (yet, right?). And I kinda understand Mother Angelina (Jolie)'s comments about it making you feel womanly. Not just because of the expanding ta-tas. Of course I am quite aware that I'm one of the lucky ones. No major nausea; no current heartburn (though it appears that my baby girl will have no hair due to this fact); and no extreme changes or mood swings that are making life nearly as difficult as I expected it to be with a baby in my tummy. Maybe that's why. I suppose I just expected that I'd be ballooning overnight and popping Prilosec like an addict. Apparently, assume the worst and wish for the best is the story of my life right now. And that's a really good thing.

[Get ready 'cause I'm gonna get all sappy and philosophical].
I just have to blurt that I feel so incredibly blessed at this point in my existence. To have the family and friends that I do, the job and support system I do, and this little miracle baking away in my belly is like - so much, you know? They say that sometimes dads actually speculate that their wives have been unfaithful even knowing that it's untrue because they just can't believe they are so lucky to have made this little being. It seems too perfect (BabyCenter told me this). And you know, I get that. I really do think about all the blessings in my life sometimes and get scared. There are so many things to be thankful for; how can I expect even more? We'd be here for hours if I got into my amazing family and friends. And I am so fortunate to have Jon and the love we share, I cannot imagine another soul for which I will feel the same amount of fondness and adoration. 

I guess I'm counting my blessings. Thank you God that, for whatever reason, you saw fit to bestow these gifts upon me. I know there's no way I deserve it.

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