Wednesday, April 8, 2009


I've been trying to figure out for approximately a week now whether the little kicks and jabs I feel from the inside are discernible from the flipside. The problem is, they've been so few and far between that when I notice her moving and Jon sneaks a feel, she stops. But last night we were lying on the couch and I was determined to catch her in the act. I told Jon to just keep his hand there for a while and we settled in to watch the Real World/Road Rules Challenge.

Unfortunately, Jon is kind of ADD and was playing with Hanna simultaneously. So every time I'd be like 'did you feel that?' Jon wasn't able to tell if it was her or just the tugging motion from Hannabelle wrestling with the rope in his other hand (you'd think he could stop playing with the dog for 30 minutes to try and feel his child I mean come on..  jk  ;)  But she did finally make her presence known with a nice strong kick (or punch? or flip?) during a particularly rowdy party scene with some jammin background music. 

Either she dances on cue or she was headbanging. 
Whatever it was, I'm proud.

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