Monday, June 7, 2010

Where my dawgs at?

I'd meant to blog about this some time ago, but kept forgetting, so though the following occurred months ago, I wanted to make note of it anyway.

There happened to be one morning that daddy left early for work, and mommy set you down in your pack 'n play and situated it in front of the bathroom door to keep an eye on you while I showered. You seemed to be perfectly fine, babbling senselessly and crawling from one toy to the next. After a few minutes, you stood up in the corner and stayed there for a while, but I didn't think much of it since you were probably just staring at your mirror twin, which is one of your favorite activities. But lo and behold, when I stepped from the shower, I spied your partner in crime Hannahbelle lying there next to you, basking in the morning sun. This was obviously before mommy assembled and put up the gate, but doggies (and they know this) are not allowed upstairs under any circumstance due in large part to the poohfest incident of 2009 when Little Miss Trouble flung excrement wildly about in almost every room the day after we installed [very plush, expensive, beige-colored] new carpet. The images still haunt my dreams.. 

Anyway, I was gearing up to give HB a major scolding for daring to cross the upstairs threshold when I realized that perhaps there was a chance she actually thought she needed to watch over you while I was otherwise occupied. I startled her when I emerged from the bathroom, and as she retreated hastily back downstairs, I felt a tinge of guilt. I could see you at all times, so you were never really in danger, but Hannah didn't know that. She was stealthguarding you in my absence, and had probably been there the whole time. And I suppose mommy was secretly proud that she felt so protective. I'm telling you, one day you and Hannahbelle will be inseparable. She may do a lot of things wrong, but she must know that being sweet to you can make up for most of it. And it's good to know that sometimes, your dogs have your back.   ;)

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