Tuesday, May 25, 2010

My Funny, Hungry, Sleepy Baby

{9 months and gaining}

So yesterday at your 9 month checkup, the doctor said we could start giving you baby-sized pieces of our own food as long as you can hold and chew it without issue. When I mentioned this to daddy, he took it as a license to go crazy with the food-tasting, and tonight you tried green beans, your first french fry, and (!!) pork barbeque from Shane's Ribshack. Mommy was not happy with the fact that pork was your first meat, and promptly offered you a shred of my chicken. I fear we're creating a monster. But it's very cute to watch you grab the pieces with your thumb and forefinger and try to land them in your bird-mouth.

Dr. B said you were lookin good. 78th percentile in height; 15th in weight. They'd be concerned if you weren't so tall. Sounds like you take after your mommy.  :)  You're just starting the clingy stage and becoming wary of strangers, but you warmed up to the doc after a bit and even performed some of your tricks for him (the latest of which is flipping your paci sideways and gripping it with your two teeth). You also clapped and danced (I'm assuming the music was playing in your head), and stood on mommy's lap. 

You're presently not the most talkative of kids, but just the way you look at the world makes me think you're processing it all. And anytime you want to start actually calling me mama (instead of just throwing it out there sans meaning) is good with me. You give wonderful kisses—especially to daddy. You only bit me that one time... ;)

Your favorite snack for the moment is pretzels, which daddy has been giving to you for several weeks without my knowledge. You basically just suck all the salt from them and gnaw the bare stick. When I came home and caught this action going on one night, daddy said "she loves pretzels!" unapologetically. Yes, this was before we had clearance from the doctor to give you finger foods. But I guess no harm done if you don't get sick. Thank goodness you're a very tolerant baby, and can take pretty much anything we throw at you. Maybe I should thank God for that, too.

pretzel or teething tool? you decide

perhaps some lobster bisque for the lady??
yes, that is seriously what daddy is feeding you...

We're still doing the 'your bed most of the night; ours the rest' thing, but I'm moderately convinced it's only because daddy wakes from his temporary couchbed and grabs you on the way to ours (perchance sleepthinking you're restless even when you're not). Don't tell him I said that. I have to collect evidence first..

In the mornings, you stir around 6:30. And though we'd love just that half hour more, your waking process, again, is too cute for us to hate. First you tumble from side to side (mommy to daddy) and see if this gets our attention. You may still be half-sleeping, but it works. Then the paci dislodges and you turn onto your tummy and up to all fours. One of us generally attempts to coax you back to bed with a gentle check against the pillows at that point. But you are not to be discouraged and soon muster up to a stand, looming over one of our faces (employing the head for support). I'm not sure how you know, but the poking, prodding, pulling and smacking does it, and we are up to attend to your every beck and call once again. Periodically, mommy and daddy are more tired and therefore more resistant to your blows, and attempt to endure the abuse longer just to slightly extend the rest. 

Recently, you found that pulling daddy's armpit hair will shock him up swiftly. That was a fun morning.

Don't even get me started on the falling asleep process. It's more complicated by far, especially on days when your naps aren't regular, but always entails a paci and blankette (i.e. soft piece of fabric posing as a blanket, but smaller—often with a stuffed animal attachment). We call your favorite one Ellie, since it's essentially a flat pink elephant (no, not fat; flat. Seriously, these things sound absurd when you try to explain them). Anywho, you still perform the flailing exercise and rub your Ellie on your cheek to soothe you down. Daddy was watching you do this one day and wondered aloud "do you think she's still gonna have to do that when she, like, goes off to college? I mean her roommate will be lying there peacefully nodding off, and she'll start flapping a pillow about over her head trying to fall asleep." Then he demonstrated and I lost control. We get the biggest kick out of you, baby. It's probably not even funny to anyone else, but I love our inside jokes. You are terrifically hilarious.

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