Saturday, October 17, 2009

You Are My Sunshine

{not quite 2 months}
The smiles have begun and they are glorious! They started at just about 6 weeks, and now they are getting more frequent and somehow even more beautiful. You enjoy withholding them, though, and making complete fools out of mommy & daddy, who will do anything for even a slight smirk. But the gummy grins are the best.

Daddy taught you a new trick the other day - sticking out his tongue and willing you to do the same. It's cute so I don't resist too much.. Although when he let you lick his lollipop the other day I saw a glimpse of years to come and am preemptively exhausted (and fearful). I'm sure we have a few AFV entries in our future. As long as they don't involve injuries I'll be ok. 

You woke up with a startling cry the other day and I was scared out of my mind. It hurt my heart! Not sure I'll be able to handle any real pain, so you'll just have to leave the house in football pads until you're 18, k?

nobody move! alright, it's ok. i'm ok.

You are eating well from the bottle, but mommy made the mistake of starting up her medicine again and it decreased the supply, so we've promptly icksnayed that and are trying to get back on track. Though there's a slight chance you'll end up with a little brother or sister more quickly than planned..

Starting to work on your hand-eye coordination. You'll reach up and grab things and bat at daddy's face, and your fav action is pulling the paci from your own mouth. Silly girl. 

Daddy is still able to change your diapers (yes even the dirty ones!) because they currently smell kind of like buttered popcorn. Which is a little weird, but we'll take it. However, he is no longer going to be allowed to pick out your clothes, since I discovered when I went to wash your Halloween costume that you may be able to wear it NEXT year, as it is the 6-12 month size. 

But the biggest news to date? The past 3 nights you've slept "through the night" - meaning at least 6 hours in a row. Woot! What what my baby is awesome. 

"seriously? swaddling is bad now?"
my little glowworm.

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