new developments in your world include an overwhelming urge to grab your own feet. you prefer they be bare (and are quickly becoming accustomed to preferring everything bare... a-hem let's try to get that out of your system before you're running pantsless around the house at 5 please). oh who am i kidding kids heart nekkid time.
you are on the verge of completely rolling over, but can only get 3/4 of the way by yourself. you like to pull your legs up and use them as leverage to fall onto your side; then grunt and struggle to get over onto your belly. though i'm not sure why, as you still hate being on your stomach and really only like to stand or be held in a seated position. wiggleworm.
mommy has formulated about 50 nicknames for you. they include butterbean, peanut, naughty monkey, bug, droolopotamus, little dickens (that came from mimi), cooey monster, my precious, little pumpkin, dollbaby, my boo, a-bomb and minime. i also read on babycenter that the more words a baby hears in her first year of life, the more intelligent she can become, so if mommy slips a few SAT words into our regular conversation, don't be alarmed. feel free to memorize and use them in a sentence.
we must tell you we love you 20 times an hour, and i'm convinced your first phrase will be "you're so pretty," because we say it so much. but it's true. i have never seen a more beautiful baby. i don't care that i'm biased and every mom thinks that about her child. you enjoy looking at yourself as well, but mommy can't tell if you know it's you smiling back. strange how once you have a baby, you really don't look at yourself in the mirror anymore. :)
Brooklyn did that same thing with causing herself to gag....I used to call her my little bulemic...not funny I know, but well, just sayin'.